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Whether your company is located in Germany or your business grows and expands into Germany, the Germany CSF helps to keep your Epicor Financials system compliant from day one to save time and expense. The CSF package contains the most used financial and operational functionalities in the country including:

  • SEPA and local payment formats
  • E-Invoice
  • E-Bilanz, MACS
  • GDPdU
  • Intrastat, EC sales list
  • VAT declaration report, Z4/Z10 declarations
  • FIFO stock movement

Payment Formats

The Germany CSF package supports several payment formats for domestic and international payments.

SEPA – Single Euro Payment Area

The objective of SEPA is to help ensure that payments within Europe are as simple and efficient as those that occur within a single country. The SEPA payments use the Euro currency. Almost all European countries support the SEPA payment format, even those where the domestic currency is not Euro.

SCT - SEPA Credit Transfer

The unified SEPA Credit Transfer payment method replaces the previously used local payment systems denominated in Euro in Europe, both for domestic and cross-border payments.

SDD - SEPA Direct Debit

The SEPA Direct Debit is a pull-based payment method that allows a business to directly withdraw the payment from its customers bank account, for which a mandate needs to be signed by the customer. The debtor and the issuer of the invoice must each have an account with a Payment Service Provider (PSP) located in the SEPA area.

DTAZV (Datenträgeraustausch Auslandszahlungsverkehr)

National payment file format for foreign payments. Supports non-Euro payments and beneficiaries outside the SEPA zone.

Look-Up Data

Look-up data in German for ShipVia, UOMs, UOM Classes, FOB for INCOTERMs, COA Categories, COA, Country Codes, IntraStat Region Codes and IntraStat Country Code are enabled by Professional Services consultants upon the implementation of the Germany CSF package, as well as the Chart of Accounts templates SKR03 and SKR04.



Intrastat is the system used for collecting statistics on the trade and movement of goods between the member states of the EU. Organizations that are VAT-registered and trade in goods with other EU member states are required to enable details of these transactions in formats including CSV, XML or IDEP.

EC Sales List

The EC (European Commission) Sales Lists are used to report the VAT on sales between the countries in the EU. The EC Sales List contains information on sales and transfers of goods and services to VAT registered businesses in other EU countries.

EC Sales are reported by the calendar period and done on an accrual basis; therefore, the report is usually filed monthly or quarterly.

The report contains trading party information, total value of goods and services supplied in the book currency, and country code of the trading party.

VAT Declaration Report - USTvA

This report (Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung, USTvA) can generate a VAT declaration statement based on tax-boxes used in Germany and export the results as an XML file.

FIFO Stock Movement

Use this report to list stock movements with unit price, movement quantity, movement total and remaining quantity for parts tracked using FIFO.

Part FIFO Transaction History Tracker

Use this report to list movements for a part tracked using FIFO.

Audit File (GDPdU)

GoBD principles in Germany set out requirements on accounting systems, electronic data storage and providing data to auditors. Data Export DE for all transactions and master data from a fiscal year, and to help provide this data to auditors in a specific format for audit file (GDPdU).

Z4/Z10 Declarations

These reports need to be submitted to the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank).

The Z4 report lists all payments received from parties outside Germany and payments made to the parties outside Germany over the threshold of EUR 12,500.

The Z10 report lists all incoming and outgoing payments for sales and purchases of securities or financial derivatives as well as for payments in connection with redemption of securities.

Electronic Invoices (ZUGFeRD)

ZUGFeRD (Zentraler User Guide des Forums elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) is a specification for electronic invoices.

The Epicor Financials Germany CSF package can generate AR Invoice documents as PDF and XML files, or as a PDF/A3 formatted file to a pre-defined output folder.

These files are attached to the invoice entry and can be sent in an e-mail to the recipients, if configured.

Third-Party Interfaces


E-Bilanz (Electronic Balance Sheet) is the requirement of sending tax-based accounting data (balance sheet and profit and loss account data) to the tax office in electronic format. The E-Bilanz report in Epicor Financials can generate the E-Bilanz output file.

MACS Interface

Using the report "Costing Workbench" to generate the outputs for MACs software and to import the cost rates.

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