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2 days with over 800 of your peers from around the country!

Four-hour elite training sessions

Showcasing powerful new technologies, new ideas, capabilities, and applicable solutions.

3+ Extended Education sessions

90+ Breakout sessions

For all products and roles

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Early Bird Registration


discount on conference passes!

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Each year, I look forward to attending Insights because it is such a terrific way to network in person. This includes networking with peers I meet on various user forums and even Epicor employees. When I was newer to Epicor products, I learned a lot from the sessions, and my knowledge has evolved over the years to where now I present.

Hannah Willett
Application Engineer at Stephen Gould

Want to convince your manager now for our 2025 event?

Here’s a letter to convince your boss. 

Insights 2025 Resources

Questions? Let us know.

Contact the events team at insights@epicor.com.