Epicor Prophet 21 was built with distributors, for distributors. Our goal is to help ensure that Prophet 21 continues to meet your business's needs—whether those involve driving greater efficiencies, exploring new ways to grow revenue or helping you make better, more informed, strategic decisions. Taking the lead from our customers and popular suggestions from the Ideas Portal, we continue our commitment to helping you succeed. Prophet 21 release 2024.2 was made generally available on December 9, 2024.
Core Enhancements in Prophet 21 Release 2024.2
Our dedication to continually enhancing the Prophet 21 platform is reflected in the following core functionality updates:
- Report Studio Dynamic Time-Based Token: Users can now modify dynamic time-based tokens to create reports based on the “last complete #” of weeks, months, quarters, or years.
- Epicor Knowledge Agent (Cloud Customers Only): This AI-powered tool provides cloud customers with concise, practical answers to product questions. In release 2024.2, the Knowledge Agent has been expanded to offer accurate and reliable insights based on comprehensive learning and support resources, along with an integrated feedback process.
- Report Studio Data Source—DynaChange Menu: Enables reports by roles/users to provide visibility into user access rights for security controls.
User Experience Updates
Several updates in Prophet 21 release 2024.2 focus on improving the user experience and making the platform more intuitive. Some user-friendly enhancements include:
- Hide Keyboard in Scannable Fields in WMS: Within the WMS windows, the scan gun’s keyboard is automatically activated whenever the cursor lands on a field, obstructing the screen view. This new feature hides the virtual keyboard in typically scanned fields, such as Item ID and Bin.
- Reprint POs from PO Entry: Users can reprint a Purchase Order from the PO Entry window, even if no changes have been made, rather than using the Reprint Purchase Orders window.
- Item Merge Scheduling: Item Merge activities can now be setup in advance and executed via a Scheduled Task, allowing users to set up Merges during the day but execute them overnight or during off-hours.
Customer-Driven Enhancements
When we say, “Made with you, for you,” it’s not just a catchy slogan. In every release, we work with customers like you to make improvements to enhance the overall performance and improve the ease of use of our product. In the 2024.2 release, we have implemented multiple features that were requested via the Epicor Ideas portal. Here are just a few:
- Control and Inactive GL Accounts: Control Accounts allow for associating accounts with specific activities to prevent posting from unrelated areas of the application. Inactive Accounts can carry balances and appear on financial statements, but may not be posted against.
- Push Customer Terms changes to Ship To records: Changing the Terms ID at the Customer level prompts the user to update all Ship To records for the Customer.
- Transfer Import: Users can import Transfers via flat-files like other import capabilities. This includes the ability to schedule the Transfer Import.
Global Functionality and Compliance Updates
As we expand our global footprint, we will continue to help ensure our customers stay compliant with changing regulations. In release 2024.2, we have made updates to support the needs of customers doing business globally, including:
- Support for Carta Porte 3.1 (MX)
- Store Invoice Certificates at Database Level (MX)
- Print VAT Detail per Line Item (UK)
- Credit Limit Used Includes Tax (UK, MX)
- 1099 Threshold Maintenance (US)
Embrace the Cloud with Prophet 21
In addition to these fantastic new features and enhancements, if you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to consider moving to the cloud. With Prophet 21 powered by Microsoft Azure, you can significantly reduce IT infrastructure costs, enhance security, and gain the freedom to focus on what you do best—timely, effective distribution.
Looking Ahead
The Prophet 21 release 2024.2 is a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing you with a robust, efficient, and user-friendly platform. We are confident these enhancements will significantly improve your operational efficiency and overall user experience.
If you have questions about any of these new features, reach out to your account manager for more details.