Epicor Connected Process Control

A simple path to digital transformation – helping manufacturers improve efficiency, increase quality, and empower employees.

Learn how our no-code/low-code process control system is digitally transforming the factory floor. From embedded digital work instructions with operator guidance, plug-n-play device connectivity to a full traceability solution. Download the system overview brochure and get a breakdown of the industries served, software features and functionality, along with the value it provides manufacturers globally.

Key Takeaways:

  • Configure your process easily, whether your environment is high or low mix assembly. 
  • Connect plug-n-play IoT devices and PLCs for device level control and data collection – no programming needed.
  • Control and error proof assembly, guiding operators every step of the way.
  • Collect process data and cycle times down to the task level. Get data-driven insight for continuous improvement and a competitive advantage.

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