As more and more companies turn to ERP solutions to solve their supply chain challenges, finding new employees with a deep knowledge of ERP processes is critical to strengthening an organization’s capabilities from the ground up. Managing costs and increasing time to value are top of mind for businesses seeking to gain and maintain the competitive edge in make, move, sell industries.

To get ahead, they need a rich talent pool of ERP-savvy new hires. John Preiditsch, President and CEO of Six S Partners, one of our valued Epicor partners, heard this request loud and clear from Canadian companies currently using Epicor solutions.

Making an Impact, Locally and Beyond

At Epicor, our valued partners have a role that extends far beyond just selling ERP solutions—these engaged, active businesses, including Six S Partners, play a vital role in giving back to their communities. Preiditsch decided to take the requests he was hearing right to the source: the local education community.

“Customers were struggling to find qualified individuals for certain roles, and integrating Epicor into educational institutions would create demand for the product and help address this issue,” he says. He explains how we would monitor local job boards and see posted positions requiring ERP knowledge, and use this as a means of pinpointing local needs.

Jumping into the Talent Pool

He kicked off his efforts by giving presentations at local universities, especially to the finance and audit departments, highlighting the gap between academic study and real-word use cases for ERP. In his presentations, Preiditsch would stress the need for students entering the job market to be trained on integrated ERP systems, rather than outdated tools like cumbersome spreadsheets.

Supply Chain on the Syllabus

Enter Mohawk College in West Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, which now integrates Epicor ERP into their educational training programs—giving their students key hands-on experience with the solutions before they enter the work force. This preparation helps build brand awareness of Epicor and Six S in the area, while also opening up a range of job possibilities for new graduates in the local community, according to Preiditsch.

“Students who are trained on ERP systems, like those at Mohawk, are better prepared for their future roles and can hit the ground running. These students have the right skills and are more likely to excel in their roles, contributing to the overall success of the company,” he says. They are also more likely to support and endorse the use of emerging technologies in any new role they take on.

Powerful Partnerships

Preiditsch also emphasizes the importance of finding the right partner who understands the value of ERP systems. The partnership with Mohawk was facilitated by a consultant who connected him with the right people at the college. After about 20 detailed meetings to define the partnership and come up with the academic plan, the wheels were set in motion.

Since then, Preiditsch has worked closely with Mohawk leaders to develop a curriculum that integrates Epicor solutions—including computer-based training as well as building an environment where students can use the ERP system for daily coursework.

Brenda Nobleza, Vice President of Sales at Epicor, agrees with Preditsch that “having hundreds of students graduating with hands-on Epicor experience could have a significant influence on the regional technology landscape.” These students are familiar with Epicor and can now promote it in their future workplaces.

Ready for What’s Next

According to Wendy Schilling, Director of Philanthropy at Mohawk, “Our students use this software in Purchasing, Warehousing and Audits courses. We have intertwined the software so that it gives the students a ’real-world’ understanding of employer’s expectations in the industry, using an ERP software.”

She explains that being able to highlight their knowledge and capabilities with Epicor Kinetic on their resumes, gives students “confidence when transitioning to employment. Having experience with this software will see more graduates gravitating towards [this career area] upon graduation and advocating for this software when working in the field. The students are spreading the word!”

Since 2018 when the program began, Mohawk has trained over 900 students. Schilling adds, “With your recent donation, we now have 120 Kinetic licenses. This will allow us to increase the class intake in our programs and teach approximately 300 students per year going forward with Kinetic.”

Getting the Word Out

And the data supports this: Preiditsch points out that Epicor brand awareness in the Canadian marketplace has grown to household name status since 2018. He adds that it has also helped build name recognition and credibility for Six S Partners throughout the region—making it a win-win all the way around.

This recent success paves the way for expansion into other areas of the country, including Western Canada, where cyclical businesses present a unique opportunity for ERP systems to make a big impact in a concentrated time frame. “We hope to work with more regions and partners to expand the model,” at a grassroots level, he says. Things like promoting an academic scholarship award for Best Supply Chain Student at local institutions would be one way to further increase brand awareness and attract talented applicants.

Hands-On Knowledge Drives Real-World Success

The students themselves are excited to learn more about supply chain, too. In mid-February, Preiditsch and Nobleza visited Mohawk College to see the program in action. They found that this initiative has had a true a ripple effect, benefiting the local economy, enhancing educational outcomes, and strengthening the manufacturing industry in Canada.

The partnership between Mohawk College, Epicor, and Six S Partners is a testament to the power of collaboration and community engagement. By preparing students with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce, they are not only meeting the demands of today but also shaping the future of the industry.

Learn more about how Epicor Kinetic can help your business thrive.

Brenda Nobleza
Vice President, Channel Solutions

Brenda Nobleza is the Vice President of Channel Solutions at Epicor. She is known for fostering a work environment that is open, collaborative, and growth-focused. Her influence extends throughout the organization, including mentoring women early in their careers.

Read More by Brenda Nobleza