Digital Transformation

How Connected Process Control Enhances Knowledge Transfer on the Shop Floor
The Manufacturing Workforce is Changing—Is Your Process Control Keeping Up?

Bridging the Skills Gap with ERP and AI – How Epicor Kinetic and Prism AI Empower the Workforce
The Growing Challenge of Workforce Knowledge Gaps

Cost Savings Found in Retiring Legacy On-Premises ERP
Migrating to the cloud can boost efficiency and drive results.
Emerging Technologies

How to Transform Your Paint and Decorating Business with Decor Fusion Mobile
Learn how mobile access helps you work smarter, faster, and leaner.

The Evolving Role of Generative AI in ERP
Discovering use cases and overcoming challenges with emerging technologies

Introducing BisTrack Web
Experience the Future of BisTrack with an Enhanced User Experience, Improved Accessibility, and More Personalization
Data Management

What Manufacturing Leaders Can Learn from 1,200 Workers about The Role of Technology and Upskilling
Creating a modern workplace can give you the competitive edge.

Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail
Explore how EDI can be tailored for various industries, including key transaction sets and industry-specific considerations.

Data Management Explained
In this data management guide, we’ll explain data management, explore its benefits, and highlight essential best practices.