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Every Day is Easier with Epicor Propello

From Foxglove to Fennel to Ficus, Epicor Propello is retail management software that helps your lawn and garden business blossom.

Propello, a modern, easy-to-use retail management system, is designed for and with retailers to:

  • Simplify point of sale transactions
  • Streamline workflows
  • Improve inventory management
  • Enhance business performance visibility

Integrated Retail Management Software
Built for All Parts of Your Business

Owner charging adult customer

Expedite Seasonal Worker Onboarding

Easily onboard seasonal workers in a fraction of the time with an intuitive, easy to learn POS and guided learning tools within Propello that help staff complete tasks in real time.

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Accelerate and Grow Spring Season POS Transactions

Quickly checkout customers and process returns to keep your lines moving and take advantage of mobile POS to add POS stations at high-traffic times. Also, use functionality like kits & shoppers or sell with and related items to increase add-on sales and grow basket sizes.

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ret male tending to plans in garden
ret paying on garden center

Build and Grow Customer Loyalty

Efficiently manage customer loyalty information, offer loyalty promotions and process loyalty rewards for a personalized customer experience that helps your lawn and garden retail business blossom.

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Effectively Manage Inventory

Gain accurate inventory visibility and use automatic and suggested reordering capabilities to keep what your customers want on hand while optimizing product mix for improved profitability.

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ret female at garden centre retail store

Additional Benefits

ret woman using smart phone in a garden center

Improve Margins and Increase Profitability

Gain the most value from your inventory and grow customer basket size by utilizing the advanced capabilities that Propello offers.

  • Help your staff prompt add-on sales with valuable context and information at the point of sale
  • Increase sales volume using real-time rule-based promotions
  • Improve margins with a flexible pricing engine
  • Optimize and manage inventory based on customer buying patterns
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Save Time and Increase Efficiency

Take advantage of Propello workflows to simplify operations while gaining the power and scope needed to handle the most critical aspects of daily retail management.

  • Take the guess work out of inventory management with automatic and suggested reordering and forecasting
  • Stay connected without being tied to a fixed location with mobile functionality that includes POS, shelf maintenance, price checks, product information lookup, and more
  • Gain insights for real-time business decisions with embedded analytics and dashboards
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ret farmer examining plants using digital tablet


Challenges Solved for Lawn and Garden Centers

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