91% say their company is making upskilling a priority for workers

This year, 91% of respondents said their company is prioritizing upskilling initiatives to enhance worker skills, a significant increase from 77% in 2023. Only 9% are not focused on upskilling. The emphasis on employee development reflects the industry’s growing recognition of skill enhancement as a key driver for adapting to new technologies and maintaining productivity.

Is your company making upskilling a priority for your workers?

[Upskilling: increasing a worker’s skillset to help them improve in their current roles, while reskilling involves teaching workers skills to transition to new roles.]

Is your company making upskilling a priority for your workers graphic.

Top Upskilling Initiatives

Manufacturing companies that prioritize upskilling focus on various methods, with 71% providing on-site or on-the-job training, 52% offering access to an online training platform, and 47% covering tuition for courses and training. Tied with this, 47% are also giving paid time off for training. Additionally, 38% offer career and professional development guidance, and 23% are incorporating mobile apps or wearable devices into their upskilling programs. Compared to 2023, there has been growth in support for training courses (47% this year, up from 32% last year) and a more balanced distribution across initiatives, signaling a wider variety of upskilling strategies.

What are you doing to help your team upskill? [Select all that apply]

What are you doing to help your team upskill graphic.

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Kerrie Jordan
Vicepresidenta de Gestión de Producto

Kerrie Jordan es la Vicepresidenta de Grupo de Gestión de Productos en Epicor. Ella dirige la dirección estratégica de las soluciones de productividad industrial basadas en la nube de Epicor para asegurar que ofrezcan alto valor, innovación, seguridad y conocimientos para los clientes. Como experta en tecnología y líder de la industria, Kerrie proporciona conocimientos sobre temas como SaaS, ERP, DaaS y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro.

Leer más de Kerrie Jordan